Movie geek obsessive compulsion from the dusty corners of Hollywood

Oh yeah?


Membership of the collection is very random and encompasses the greats and the not so greats... Actors whose careers didn't always take off are often included in this wierd club but usually its just grandstanding an oblique knowledge of cinema's byways and back alleys...

Monday, July 19, 2004

Mind fart

So while we're at it I loved the mind boggling piece of casting that is Gary Oldman in Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkhaban and it set me too thinking about other opportunities to stretch our more intense acting friends: oh yes, panto You could have John Malkovitch in Dick Whittington. The Wooster group in Snow white and the seven dwarves(who's Snow white going to be?) and Chris Ecclestone as a panto dame in something, Cinderella surely. Actually that last is fast becoming a redundant point as I hear La Ecclestone is soon to be performing as Doctor Who. The poor Doctor hasn't had it so good really. His lsat few TV incarnations served mainly as evidence of the lack of good old fashioned character actors and his most recent movie outing was essentially an opportunity for US/Canadian bean-counters to demonstrate their fundamental failure to 'get it'. Doctor Who isn't Captain America or Superman or the Incredible yadda yadda. He is English amaturism gone mad. He is The Pimpernel, Sherlock Holmes, Robinson Crusoe (okay Scottish), Phileas Fogg (a French invention. See? Even the French understand us better) and probably James Bond rolled into one. I should probably include Adam Adamant and Peter Wyngard's Jason King character here but unfortunately am too young to have seen them. So will Ecclestone get with the program and out act the special effects that the american backers will almost certainly insist upon? I think I've just talked myself round.

Played Nazis but also played...

No. 2 in the Prisoner. I caught him the other night on BBC3 Derren Nesbitt. Ha ha, there is life after Nazis. Actually now I think about it I think he's also been in one of those awful Ray Cooney movie adaptations. You know the ones, horrible horrible mid 70's movie spin-offs of west-end french farces usually involving Leslie Phillips. Bear in mind if here that if I think its bad then it really is bad.