Sheer cinematic genius...
The Beast Must Die, oh yes, The-Beast-must-DIE!
Probably one of the best movies ever made, not least for a stirling performance by Anton Diffring (see mostly played Nazis below) and Collection candidate Calvin Lockhart.
Our Calv locks himself in an English country house with somefolks, one of whom he knows is a Werewolf. Calv ain't going to let this one lie because 'The beast must die!'
Pure genius at work as they meld Blaxploitation, werewolf flicks, martial arts and Hammer horror gothic (complete with Peter Cushing) into one seamless creation
As a major plus, it featured the one and only use of 'Detectovision' (my word). Halfway through the movie you are given 30 seconds to decide who the beast is, because, and I can't labour this enough; "The beast MUST DIE!"
Surely one of the first examples of interactivity? You can take your £200 playstation and stuff-it! Give me a VHS and a night-in and I can tell you whom the beast is and of course... THAT THEY MUST DIE!!!